
Training workshop on “Applied creativity for the scientific community”

Dr. Carlota Rodríguez Silva, postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Teaching and Educational Organization of the Faculty of Education (UB), and member of the Design Research and Innovation Group (GRID-UAB-UB), has given a training workshop on "Creativity applied for the scientific community", lasting 3 hours, in the BioFàrmacs Innovadors group (https://portalrecerca.uab.cat/ca/organisations/bio-f%C3%A0rmacs-innovadors) of the IBB-UAB and that of Nanobiotechnology (https://www.ciber-bbn.es/grupos/grupo-de-investigacion?id=3632) of the IBB/UAB/CIBER-BBN. All the components of the team working on the projects 'NEW PROTEIN-BASED NANODRUGS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF TARGETED TUMOR-AGNOSTIC THERAPY' (CPP2021-008946), NEW FORMULATION OF RECOMBINANT ANTITUMOR VACCINES BASED ON SECRET

PhD Thesis FPI Contract Offer

A 4 year contract is offered to carry out the doctoral thesis in the Protein Folding and Conformational Diseases laboratory directed by Salvador Ventura at the Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine of the Autonomous University of BarcelonaThe thesis is framed within the project :PROTEIN AGGREGATION: IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW BIOMEDICAL,STRUCTURAL, AND NANOTECHNOLOGICAL STRATEGIESREQUIREMENTS FOR MORE INFORMATIONDownload
Com els avantpassats dels peixos marins actuals van aconseguir conquerir els oceans

Com els avantpassats dels peixos marins actuals van aconseguir conquerir els oceans

Un equip internacional liderat per investigadors de l’IRTA a l’IBB-UAB identifica els gens que permeten als peixos teleostis marins hidratar els ous perquè surin i es dispersin, i aconsegueixin així sobreviure. Els mecanismes identificats aporten nova informació sobre l’evolució dels teleostis, grup al qual pertany gairebé el total dels peixos marins actuals, els avantpassats dels quals es van aventurar a passar de l’aigua dolça al domini salí. Investigadors d’Espanya, Itàlia i Noruega aporten nous coneixements sobre com la majoria dels teleostis, que conformen el 96 % dels peixos marins actuals, van desenvolupar mecanismes d’hidratació que fan que els seus ous surin i es dispersin als oceans, en un nou estudi publicat a la revista Molecular Biology and Evolution. Els
Genome Integrity and Instability: Meiotic chromosome dynamics and double strand break formation in reptiles

Genome Integrity and Instability: Meiotic chromosome dynamics and double strand break formation in reptiles

During meiotic prophase I, tightly regulated processes take place, from pairing and synapsis of homologous chromosomes to recombination, which are essential for the generation of genetically variable haploid gametes. These processes have canonical meiotic features conserved across different phylogenetic groups. However, the dynamics of meiotic prophase I in non-mammalian vertebrates are poorly known. Here, we compare four species from Sauropsida to understand the regulation of meiotic prophase I in reptiles: the Australian central bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps), two geckos (Paroedura picta and Coleonyx variegatus) and the painted turtle (Chrysemys picta). We first performed a histological characterization of the spermatogenesis process in both the bearded dragon and the painted tur...
Salvador Ventura, guardonat amb el Premi Transferència del Consell Social de la UAB

Salvador Ventura, guardonat amb el Premi Transferència del Consell Social de la UAB

El proper dijous 27 d’octubre, a les 18 hores, el Consell Social de la UAB celebra el seu acte anual, en què entregarà cinc premis que encarnen els puntals de l’entitat: Universitat-Societat (per a David Noguera), Universitat-Empresa (Núria Cabutí), Alumni UAB (Cristina Gallach), Transferència UAB (Salvador Ventura) i una menció especial a Irene Miguel-Aliaga. Amb el títol “Societat i universitat: juntes, més lluny”, la quarta edició de la Nit del Consell Social pretén generar un espai de diàleg i debat sobre com es poden estrènyer i millorar els lligams entre la societat i la universitat. El Premi Transferència UAB del Consell Social de la UAB el recollirà l’investigador de l’Institut de Biotecnologia i de Biomedicina de la UAB, Salvador Ventura, per la seva trajectòria de rece

Research advances in a treatment for multiple system atrophy

An IBB project led by Salvador Ventura has been one of six selected by the Multiple System Atrophy Coalition in its research grant programme. The grant will allow researchers to advance in the study of molecules they have identified as being potential candidates for a treatment of multiple system atrophy. This neurodegenerative disease affects more than 30,000 people in Europe.  The Protein Folding and Conformational Diseases research group at the Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine (IBB), led by Salvador Ventura, professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, has won one of the grants awarded annually by the Multiple System Atrophy Coalition, a prestigious international non-profit organisation that aims to improve the quality of life of people with ...

An international collaboration uncovers several genetic markers associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 severity.

In March of 2020, thousands of scientists around the world united to answer a pressing and complex question: what genetic factors influence why some COVID-19 patients develop severe, life-threatening disease requiring hospitalization, while others escape with mild symptoms or none at all? This global effort, called the COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative, was founded in March 2020 by Andrea Ganna, group leader at the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM), University of Helsinki and Mark Daly, director of FIMM and institute member at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. The initiative has grown to be one of the most extensive collaborations in human genetics and currently includes more than 3,300 authors and 61 studies from 25 countries and The IBB researcher Mario Cácere