The aim of our group - the GABRMN - is to improve the diagnostic and prognostic evaluation of patients bearing abnormal brain masses. We use magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), which can be performed concominantly to a conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study.
The information provided by MRS allows us to characterise the metabolic profile of these abnormal brain masses without the need to perform a biopsy.
Our group is distributed between the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Bioscience Faculty, where we perform the preclinical studies in animal models, and the IBB. What the IBB subgroup does is to analyse all clinical patient data from our collaborating hospitals. We also work in the improvement of current processing and analysis tools for analysing MRS data.
Our group leader is professor Dr. Carles Arús.
You can find more information about us at our web page: