PhasAGE International Conference: Phase transitions in aging and age-related diseases.
The conference program will explore the fundamental aspects ofphase separation in normal biological functions and in diseases
(e.g. neurodegenerative disorders).
The conference will bring together members of the PhasAGE consortium and external speakers showcasing high impact achievements in the field of phase transitions in aging and late-onset diseases.
The scientific programme includes a scientific symposium organized by the group of early stage researchers. Young researchers and junior postdocs will have access to a workshop in alternative careers in science. A workshop dedicated to biotech stakeholders will be organized to increase awareness about potential therapeutic strategies in the field of phase transitions.
PhasAGE Career Development Workshop: “Wikipedia as a platform for scientific outreach”
24 September 2021 3 PM (CEST) | ONLINE EVENT
For the last years, we have assisted to an increased engagement of researchers to communicate science for the general public and contribute to scientific literacy. Scientists are increasingly encouraged or even required by funding agencies to disseminate their research through multiple open access platforms and media, bridging society's questions with scientific knowledge. Communication skills are critical for researchers to better explain how their research work impacts society. Training researchers in using the available communication channels and platforms for science dissemination will inspire them to better communicate their results, justifying its inclusion at the early stages of career development plan.
NIT EUROPEA DE LA RECERCA: Dr. Salvador Ventura – “Desmuntant el LEGO: A la cerca d’una cura per les malalties neurodegeneratives”
Títol: Desmuntant el LEGO: A la cerca d’una cura per les malalties neurodegeneratives
Informació sobre la xerrada: Xerrada divulgativa sobre l’origen de les malalties neurodegeneratives i de les iniciatives per buscar fàrmacs que les puguin aturar, dins del marc de la Nit Europea de la Recerca 2021
Dr. Salvador Ventura
Dia i hora: 22 de setembre, 21h. Duració aproximada de la xerrada: 20 minuts
Lloc: Centre Cívic Joan Oliver Pere Quart, Barcelona
TESIS: José Vicente Carratalá Tomás(14:00h.) – Sala ‘Lynn Margulis’ – Facultad de Ciencias y Biociencias
Defensas de tesis - C3/023 - Sala 'Lynn Margulis' - Facultad de Ciencias y Biociencias(para participar como público y poder hacer intervenciones, si se es doctor/a, hay que solicitarlo a
Defensa de tesis doctoral
Doctorado en Biotecnología
Doctorando: José Vicente Carratalá TomásTutora:Neus Ferrer MirallesDirectoras:Elena García FruitósNeus Ferrer Miralles