
Debate CaixaResearch : “El estado de la investigación actual sobre la enfermedad de Párkinson” Dr. Salvador Ventura. 19:00h.

La Fundación ”la Caixa” organiza el jueves 27 de abril un Debate CaixaResearch que dará a conocer el estado de la investigación actual sobre la enfermedad de Párkinson. Párkinson: una enfermedad sin cura, pero con tratamientos Debate CaixaResearch Jueves 27 de abril, a las 19 h Streaming: Para apuntarse al streaming, es necesario rellenar el formulario siguiente, como muy tarde, una hora antes del inicio del debate: https://caixaresearch.org/es/debates-caixaresearch-tratamientos-parkinson Mas informaciónDownload

Patrick Aloy’s conference: “Blending Chemistry and Biology to enable Systems Pharmacology” Thursday 16th February 15.30h

*"Blending Chemistry and Biology to enable Systems Pharmacology"* Dr. Patrick Aloy, Institut for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) Thursday 16th February, 15.30h. Location: Room IBB (Institut de Biotecnologia i Biomedicina) Organized by *MSc in Bioinformatics* Abstract: Big Data analytical techniques and AI have the potential to transform drug discovery, as they are reshaping other areas of science and technology, but we need to blend biology and chemistry in a format that is amenable for modern machine learning. In this talk, I will present the Chemical Checker (CC), a resource that provides processed, harmonized and integrated bioactivity data on small molecules. The CC divides data into five levels of increasing complexity, ranging from ...