Over 20 years have passed since the first case of BSE was diagnosed in Spain at the beginning of the century, an event that shaped many of our professional careers. Unfortunately, no treatment exists yet to fight the devastating fate of patients suffering from prion diseases, but since the “mad cow” crisis, formidable breakthroughs have happened in prion science. It is a field that has always embraced the one Health approach: bringing together multidisciplinary scientists to tackle one of the great unsolved challenges in science, to cure prion diseases, which share molecular mechanisms with other protein misfolding disorders of high prevalence in our aging society.
With this in mind, Barcelona is proud to host the Iberian prion congress for the second time, a unique opportunity to establish and strengthen interdisciplinary collaborations between medical doctors, biologists, veterinarians, biotechnologists, biochemists, and other specialists from the Iberian Peninsula and beyond with a particular emphasis on providing a forum for young scientists to present and discuss their research. It is only through collaborative work among all of us that we will reach our joint goal.
We hope to welcome you all in Barcelona next spring.
The organizing committee.
CONGRESS DATE: 11-12 May 2023.
Extended abstract submission: March 6th
Extended registration deadline: April 7th.
- Nuria Busquets, IRTA-CReSA
- Samanta Giler, IRTA-CReSA
- Irantzu Pallares, IBB-UAB
- Salvador Ventura, IBB-UAB
- Enric Vidal, IRTA-CReSA
- Olivier Andreoletti, INRAE – ENVT
- Juan José Badiola, UNIZAR
- Vincent Beringue, INRAE
- Rosa Bolea, UNIZAR
- Miguel Calero , ISCII
- Joaquin Castilla, CICbioGUNE
- José Antonio del Río, IBEC
- Hasier Eraña, CICbioGUNE
- Natàlia Fernandez, CISA-INIA-CSIC
- Rafael Giraldo, CNB-CSIC
- Carmen Guerrero, Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón
- Eduardo Melo, UALG
- Catarina Oliveira, U. Coimbra
- Leonor Orgue, INIAV
- Alicia Otero, UNIZAR
- Irantzu Pallares, UAB-IBB
- Jesús Requena, USC
- Human Rezaei, INRAE
- Raimon Sabaté, UB
- Raquel Sanchez, Hospital Clínic Barcelona
- Juan Maria Torres, CISA-INIA-CSIC
- Salvador Ventura, UAB-IBB
- Enric Vidal, IRTA-CReSA